...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Friday, August 12, 2011

#27: Voltron

Here is another show with so much potential to be awesome, but somehow it doesn't manage to live up to that potential. I think its the horrible voices. Like He-Man, this show suffers from some of the worst American dubbing I have EVER heard. Sven and Pidge and that other guy are all main characters and talk all the time and they sound horrible and I want to scream and hit them whenever they open their mouths.

Also, no one hooks up with the princess properly. Why not? She's pretty hot all things considered. And kinda tough. She even gets her own robot lion and her own seat in the Voltron after a while. So with all this girl power going on, shouldn't someone be trying to hook up with her? Maybe the red team leader guy? He has dumb hair but he looks like he could otherwise be a handsome love interest.

Maybe I'm watching this show the wrong way. I know I liked it when I was little. And the giant robot made up of smaller robots and piloted by a team of perky young heroes has become something of a ubiquitous cultural reference, so lots of someone else's must have liked it too.

But watching it now it kinda sorta stinks. And not just because its so old skool looking. I love old skool animation. I would have nothing against it for that.

Its the story that sucks. Its dragged out ridiculously long and there is too much action and not enough dialogue or tone. The characters are basically the same people when the series starts as they are when it ends, which means the character development is practically nonexistent.

And those voices are really, REALLY, annoying.

I hate seeing things from my youth that I've built up to legendary status come crashing down in my adulthood. It makes me sad and it makes me feel old and cynical and no fun.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

#26: Darker Than Black

I don't remember anything about this show.

I remember watching it with TheBoyfriend. It shows up as Recently Watched on Netflix. The pictures looked vaguely familiar when I went searching for an image to include with this post.

So I know I watched it.

But I don't remember anything about it.

What does that say about me? What does that say about this show?

Is it so generic and boring that it isn't memorable? No, that can't be right. I always remember the really boring ones, so that (hopefully) I don't make the mistake of watching them again.

Was I watching while drunk? Medicated? Concussed?

This is the craziest dang thing. I don't know why I can't remember what this anime was about. I'm looking at pictures trying to figure out what happened in the episode I watched ...

... there was a guy ... and a girl ... and a telescope ... and a creepy No-Face mask ... but not at the same time, and I'm not remembering those things in the proper sequence ...


Think think think think brain. Hrm.

Soooo, I think there was some mutanty type people with special powers doing not nice things, and the No-Face mask guy was fighting them, and then there was a kid renting an apartment where this chick lived and she was a target of some secret organization because she was associated with some bad people, but not necessarily the bad mutants. The kid with the apartment also had a telescope and weird blank eyes and I think he was the No-Face guy but I'm not totally sure.

And that's all I got. I'm not sure I could recommend this to anyone as I'm still not sure why I don't remember most of it. But as I only watched one episode and I'm not sure I'm operating with a full deck these days, don't take my word for it.