...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

#28: BraveStar

Why don't I remember this cartoon?

This is one badass cartoon.

It has hill billy aliens smoking cigarettes and carrying laser guns.

It has an anthropomorphic horse cracking bad jokes and carrying a laser gun.

It has this crazy creepy bad guy who looks like John Blye from Brisco County Jr which doesn't even make sense as that show came way later but it is still the reference that popped into my head. Not surprisingly he also carries a laser gun.

And it has derelict space ships that look like sunken old skool sea ships, rotting away in the dim lighting of the backwoods planet that serves as the main setting of the show. I'm pretty sure even they have laser guns, and they are all dripping with veiny wiring stuff and leaning precariously to the side.

You'd think I'd be able to remember something this awesome. I can remember all of the crap cartoons I used to watch, and even the cartoons that I thought were brilliant at the time and now can see that they were really crap.

But I don't remember BraveStar. I guess its possible I didn't watch it when I was little. But that seems kind of preposterous really.

Anyways, so yeah, there is all this badass stuff going on with aliens and gun fights and talking horses and concerts with magical life ending guitars and this whole Texas theme thats kinda cute really in how stereotypical it is. This cartoon is fun to watch, even now that I'm all adult and cynical and find She-Ra kind of annoying (my 5 year old self weeps but my 30 year old self doesn't care and just tells her to shut the eff up).