...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Saturday, December 10, 2011

For the first time, for the last time....

I am terrible at these challenges I set for myself.

Really, really terrible.

Its kind of pathetic and sad really. All I needed to do was watch one little anime a day and blog about it for a year. One year out of dozens of years. And I didn't even make it a whole month.


Really. Pa-the-tic!

But I am still determined to accomplish my goal of an anime every day for a year. I thought about cheating and counting what I've already posted, but in the end I determined that would be wrong. It wouldn't be honest. And I'm old enough at this point to want to be honest (at least for the most part).

So I'm starting this challenge over. As of January 1st, I will be attempting ONCE AGAIN to watch an anime (or animated series or film or whatever) every day for 365 days in a row.

I'm a big girl, I can handle this. I will learn self discipline and control this year.

Watch me.

UPDATE: Okay, January 1st didn't work out for several reasons, so I'm starting on February 1st instead. It is only a month behind. I'm sure it will still be awesome. ;)