...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Yep yep, starting this challenge over yet again!

It has been an epically long time (at least if you count time in fly lifetimes) since I watched anime, and this makes me a very sad panda.

But once again I am determined to make the most of this challenge. Of course I meant to restart yesterday since it was the first day of the month. But I didn't get around to it because I am me and that tends to happen.

I'm okay with this trait in myself. At least at this moment.

Because I am still going to make the most of this challenge. I'm just starting today instead of yesterday.

So here I go. An anime a day every day for a year.

I'm pretty excited to see what is out there. Aren't you?

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