...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Two >> High School of the Dead

(watched 4/2/13)

Leave it to anime to find a way to stick gratuitous fan service in a show about zombies.

I don't know why I'm surprised. At this point I'm ready to expect fan service to appear in historical dramas and children's programming. Fan service is just one of those things - like epic nosebleeds or giant sweat drops - that peppers the landscape of anime whether you want it to or not.

Oh well. Moving on.

I saw several clips from High School of the Dead during Sakuracon this year. The best was a parody AMV of the song "Call Me Maybe." I'd try to explain it but I don't think I'd do it justice. Just know it was pretty dang funny and a well made fan video over all.

The show itself isn't nearly as funny, but then it isn't supposed to be. This is a show about zombies, after all, and it is serious business. There is lots of screaming and running and yelling and dramatic pauses for deep emotional reflection.

Once again this is anime after all, and you can't have anime without long, dramatic, pregnant pauses where characters reflect on their emotional baggage with other characters or themselves. Even if the zombie apocalypse is happening.

And the zombie apocalypse is happening here. They don't play around in High School of the Dead. People start dying early on and it is graphic and violent and nasty. Flesh tears, bone cracks, and blood spurts all over the place.

Of course then the real drama starts happening, because character development is the backbone of a good zombie story. How do the survivors react to what they are seeing, what they are doing? How do they treat each other and themselves? How do they go on when their whole world has changed?

I'm only a couple of episodes in but so far I'm intrigued. Fan service isn't exactly my thing but good storytelling sure is, and so far as characters are introduced and storylines are laid out, I'm interested to see what happens next. I see much pain, anger, fear, romance, and panties in the future.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

One >> Panty and Stocking with Garter Belt

(watched 4/1/13)

This has to be the most adorable, filthy thing I've ever watched.


Panty and Stocking with Garter Belt is drawn in a style reminiscent of The Powerpuff Girls or Dexter's Laboratory. But the subject matter ...

The subject matter is so far from those cartoons it isn't even in the same stratosphere.

I have never heard the "f" word used so many times in an animated show before. Especially not coming from adorable little chibi mouths.

Basically Panty and Stocking is about two fallen angels who fight ghosts, eat sweets, mouth off, and have lots and lots and LOTS of sex.

Lots and lots of sex.

This show is ridiculously adult, though you never actually see any of the sexy shenanigans going on (it isn't hentai after all). But the language, the subject matter ...

Even the power ups for the angels are just barely this side of too inappropriate for television. They even include stripper poles.

Stripper poles!

The angels fight poop monsters and demon possessed cars and high school bitch queens and their own baser impulses, and they do it with smiles on their faces (basically) and magical weapons (made from their underpants and stockings no less) and filthy running commentary.

Filthy. Believe me.

Panty and Stocking with Garter Belt is delightfully over the top and hilariously fun to watch. I can understand now why it is such a popular cosplay option when I go to conventions. I'll admit I've even been toying around with the idea of cosplaying one of them next Sakuracon ...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Let's Try This (Yet) Again...

Having just gotten back from Sakuracon (the Pacific Northwest's BIGGEST anime convention), I am once again filled with the desire to watch more anime. I think at some point along the way I had lost most of my interest in it. I'm not sure why, it just seemed to happen. But after spending three days immersed in anime fandom and culture, I'm feeling a renewed sense of interest in all things animated.

Luckily for me, I have a subscription to HuluPlus and they have tons of anime titles. I'm actually surprised at how much anime they have, when services like Netflix have so little choice for streaming.

So I'm going to try this (yet) again. One new anime (or animated whatever - movie/show/etc) every day for 365 days. Let's see how far I can get this time, shall we?