...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Monday, April 1, 2013

Let's Try This (Yet) Again...

Having just gotten back from Sakuracon (the Pacific Northwest's BIGGEST anime convention), I am once again filled with the desire to watch more anime. I think at some point along the way I had lost most of my interest in it. I'm not sure why, it just seemed to happen. But after spending three days immersed in anime fandom and culture, I'm feeling a renewed sense of interest in all things animated.

Luckily for me, I have a subscription to HuluPlus and they have tons of anime titles. I'm actually surprised at how much anime they have, when services like Netflix have so little choice for streaming.

So I'm going to try this (yet) again. One new anime (or animated whatever - movie/show/etc) every day for 365 days. Let's see how far I can get this time, shall we?

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