...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Its Been Forever...

I haven't blogged in forever but I HAVE been watching anime.

I'm at least a good girl 50% of the time. Not that it matters in the world of blogging. But I'm making a point of it anyways because it makes me feel better.

Anyways, the point is that I haven't forgotten my (self-given) mission. I'm still determined to watch a year's worth of anime - within a year. I just have to get back in the habit of blogging after I've watched stuff. And of course get caught up on blogging all of the stuff I've already watched that I haven't blogged about yet.

Which includes lots of anime.

But also includes lots of cartoons from my childhood that have suddenly become available on Netflix. Like He-Man and Brave Starr and Voltron. They may not really be ANIME and I may have seen them before when I was little (waaaaay too young to remember) but I'm watching and blogging about them anyways.

Cause I can. Its my blog and I'll write/watch what I want too.

So there.

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