...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

#24: Hell Girl

This show is addictive.

I picked it to watch kind of randomly from Netflix, not really intending to watch more than one episode.

But then I got sucked in.

By the story, by the setting, by the characters, by the music.

Next thing I'm eight episodes in and I didn't even realize it. Boyfriend came in and asked what I was watching and I was explaining it to him and realized that I had become so absorbed I hadn't even noticed nearly four hours passing by.

I had things to do around the house - lawn to mow and dishes to clean and garbage to take out and carpet to vacuum.

And I did none of that because I was watching Hell Girl instead.

Stinking addictive show. With its haunting music and mysterious mythology and dark stories and well-cast voice actors. Even the episodic nature of it was fascinating. Each episode had a new character who was dealing with someone who was abusing them or stalking them or had wronged them in some horrible fashion. Because of this the main character would call on Ai, the Hell Girl, to take their souls directly to hell.

The premise should have gotten old pretty fast, as it sounded like just another type of morality play.

But it wasn't, and it didn't.

Each episode was different in not only the characters but in how the good guys moved on, how the bad guys got their comeuppance, and even whether any kind of moral was learned at all.

In the space of one afternoon Hell Girl has become one of my favorite anime series. Impressive when that list contains the likes of Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I hope the next episodes hold up to the awesomeness of the first eight. Though that may mean I never leave my television again.

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