...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Monday, May 23, 2011

#22: Girls Bravo

Sometimes my boyfriend makes no sense to me.

I know what kinds of anime he likes to watch. Usually they include lots of action, sword-fighting, guns, things going BOOM!

His favorites are Bleach and Black Lagoon and Hellsing Ultimate and Afro Samurai.

They are full of bloodshed and cursing and adult situations and graphic everything.

They are not full of moe chicks and fan service and boys with allergies to girls. They are not super cute. They do not contain overusage of the color pink. And they do not make your teeth ache with how saccharin sweet they are.

Which Girls Bravo DOES.

Girls Bravo is full of all of the things that the anime my boyfriend usually watches excludes. There is cutesy nudity (its an anime thing) and a guy who gets rashes from contact with girls and exceptionally violent girls who beat up every guy they see and frequent fan service and high-pitched voices saying sugary sweet things.

So why the heck my boyfriend picked this from the wide selection of anime titles available from Netflix is beyond my comprehensive abilities.

Of course neither of us could manage more than one episode per sitting, so at least I don't have to worry about him having completely lost his mind yet.

But if I come home to find him watching it again I might have to call the guys with the straight jackets to come over.

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