...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

19: Gurren Lagann

Yoko of Gurren Lagann is one of those popular cosplays you see at anime conventions that you hope will only be worn by women of a certain body type. It basically consists of a bikini top, short shorts, and a big gun. It was one of the first really skin baring costumes I saw at a convention, and one I've seen over a dozen times since. But it wasn't until after Sakuracon this year that I took the time to a) find out what anime the cosplay was from, and 2) watch an episode to see if it was any good.

And even though I really hoped Gurren Lagann would turn out to be one of those horrible, stupid shows that the "kids today" are into for no good reason except to look cool, in the end it turned out to be alot better than expected.

In fact it was pretty funny. I even laughed more than once, and not that "this is so horrible I must laugh or lose my mind" laugh like when I watched 2010: Moby Dick (not an anime, just a really REALLY bad live-action scifi/fantasy movie). But an honest laugh for something that I honestly found funny.

Besides moments of humor there were also big guns and monsters and mech-type things and interesting characters. The setting was unique for the most part (like I said, there were mech-type things which aren't really very unique at all) and the dubbed voices weren't super awful.

I could actually see why the characters (or at least the scantily clad one) were so popular with the cosplaying crowd. It might hurt me (and my deep down adult anime fan snobbish heart) a little to admit it, but there you go.

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