...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#20: Toy Story 3

There is a rule, an unwritten one at least, that says the third movie in a series shouldn't be anywhere near as good as the first. It should lack plot development, or character development, or production values, or authenticity. It should be direct-to-DVD or pay-per-view. It should only be talked about to be laughed at and scorned for not living up to the greatness of its predecessors.

A few third films break this rule - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi comes immediately to mind. But many don't (Jaws 3-D, Star Trek: Search for Spock, A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors to name a few). Especially when they have a Disney logo plastered on them somewhere (Aladdin 3 anyone?).

So by all accounts, Toy Story 3 should be bad. Awful even.

And yet it isn't. Because its Pixar and they don't release bad films. It means something to them to work their butts off producing the best quality animated movies they can.

Toy Story 2 was better than an sequel had a right to be, and Toy Story 3 (in my opinion) was even better.

I laughed. I cried. I apologized profusely to all of the toys I left alone and forgotten over the years of my growing up.

Sure some of the elements were the same as elements from the last film. And sure the plot was relatively predictable in its intentions.

It was still a beautiful, touching, bittersweet, hilarious, gorgeous film. It was the perfect send-off to the Toy Story franchise. And a heart-wrenching but honest end to the story of Woody the toy cowboy doll and Andy the kid who loved him.

It may have been a third installment in a franchise, but Toy Story 3 managed to be its own wonderful and watchable film.

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