...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Monday, May 9, 2011

#18: Code Monkeys

Another American animation series, Code Monkeys is designed to look more like an old skool 8-bit video game than a cartoon. It has life and health bars, giant pipes for passing between levels, and even Pause menus.

But unlike most old skool 8-bit video games (at least that I can remember) Code Monkeys is absolutely filthy and completely offensive and hysterically funny.

Characters sleep in dead donkeys, they pee on their office carpeting, they shoot at each other with automatic weapons, they have intimate naked relationships with dolls, they kidnap small Asian children and force them to test prototype video games, they spend company team building exercises in state prisons.

If you can think of something people probably shouldn't do if they want to stay on the moral/inoffensive/societally acceptable high ground, it has probably appeared on this show.

And it was funny. And viewers laughed. And somewhere far-right conservatives were shocked and appalled.

And that was probably funny too.

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