...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Friday, August 28, 2015

#1: Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Ghost Whispers

I love Ghost in the Shell.

Like LOVE it.

I've seen the original film. I've read the original manga. I've seen the anime series and the second feature film and read the second manga.

I cosplayed The Major at an anime convention once. I have a movie poster and a manga-based wall scroll in my room.

I even have a tattoo of The Major.

So when I say I love Ghost in the Shell, I really, REALLY mean it.

And seeing a new take on the story has been absolutely delightful. Ghost in the Shell: Arise is an OAV series made up of five hour long 'episodes'. There is also a TV series apparently (Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture) but I haven't gotten to see that.

Anyways, Netflix has several of the OAV episodes so I've been working my way through those. I'll admit it took me a bit to really get into the first one (Ghost Pain) but I think that was because it's such a different - and yet not entirely different - take on the story. As it begins Section 9 doesn't exist yet and The Major, Batou, Togusa, and all the rest don't even know each other. I kinda missed the team being the team. But as the episode progressed I got more and more hooked and by the end I was just as in love as I had ever been.

And by episode two (Ghost Whispers) I was a fan. The plot of this one basically breaks down like this: Kusanagi has gone freelance working for the government, though Aramaki really wants her to just give in and join Section 9 already. While working on her own, The Major must battle memory wipes, traffic control hacks, possibly untrustworthy robots, possibly trustworthy members of other government agencies, and people she'll eventually be comrades with.

It's interesting watching the way things are set up here with Kusanagi and Batou and the rest. There is actually a scene in this episode with them beating the crap out of each other. These are people that love each other and respect each other and have each other's backs NO MATTER WHAT by the time we meet them in the original manga/film. And yet here they are wailing on each other so hard they're ripping off mechanical body parts. It looks like quite the bonding experience.

I'll admit some moments during the episode were a bit confusing for me, especially when I was watching in Japanese with subtitles. But that kinda happens from time to time with Ghost in the Shell. The plot of the second movie was so confusing for me that after multiple viewings I'm still not entirely sure what happened in it. It was really pretty to look at though.

Ghost in the Shell: Arise is also really pretty to look at. The Major looks much younger and smaller and more feminine than she did in the motion picture and in the Stand Alone Complex TV series. She still kicks ass though, and I actually quite like her red leather jacket/pants combo outfit (and yep, I totally have plans to cosplay it at a convention sometime soon).

While not every reboot/sequel/prequel/side story/new series/etc is worth watching, I'm gonna say this fan is more than satisfied with what the creators of Ghost in the Shell: Arise have accomplished and I look forward to seeing more of this series as it comes out.

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