...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Triumphant (not quite) Return of the AniMia365 Project!

This has been a wacky year. I've done a whole lot of no personal blogging.

I miss it.

So I'm gonna rectify the situation and get back into my writing/blogging/watching projects.

Starting with this one.

Once again, I'm gonna attempt to watch a different anime (not necessarily a brand new never before seen by me anime, just a different one) every day for 365 days. There is so much new stuff out now, and I've got access to so many streaming services with good anime collections, that I'm excited to see what all I come up with to watch.

And this time, dammit, I'm gonna make it past 30 days/30 anime (that seems to be where I top out most times when I attempt this).

Wish me luck, folks, cause today AnimeMia365 begins anew!

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