...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Thursday, January 30, 2014

28/365: Irresponsible Captain Tylor

Tylor is that guy you hate and love at the same time. You hate him cause he just seems to stumble his way into awesome thing after awesome thing. You love him cause he's adorable and lazy and fun and he just seems to stumble his way into awesome thing after awesome thing.

I owned both the entire anime series and OAV series on VHS tape once upon a time. I got them at an amazing sale even though I'd never seen any of them and had no clue whether I'd like them or not. Lucky for me I totally loved the show and was happy to have spent my money on it.

The animation is old school and hand drawn. The characters have pointy faces and silly hair. The character costumes don't always make perfect sense. The dubbed voices don't always seem to match up with what you expect from the characters they are matched with.

Still. Irresponsible Captain Tylor is a wonderfully good time. Tylor joins the space military specifically to get out of having to get a real job. He thinks his life will be easy peasy once he joins up, and the recruitment officer is so confused and bedazzled by Tylor's lunacy that he goes along with it. Several minutes later Tylor is captain of a ship (because why not) and wackiness (of course) ensues.

While you can imagine all the comedy this show contains, there are also some really good serious, emotionally complex moments throughout the series. Especially later on in the original series. I haven't gotten through all of the OAVs yet but I have a feeling it has a similar story-telling style.

This is a good show with a lot more depth than it at first appears. It might not be as pretty and flashy as anime today, but it makes up for it with a great story, fun characters, and a whole lot of heart.

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