...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Thursday, January 16, 2014

16/365: Magic Knight Rayearth

It has been a long LONG time since I last tried watching this series. Like maybe a decade or so.

I remembered the theme song being way more annoying, and the dubbing being less so.

I remembered the artwork being more top quality, and the costume changes less silly.

I remembered thinking the story was more interesting, and the magical-girl aspects being less campy.

I'm not sure if I totally remembered this series wrong, or my outlook on anime has just completely changed in the last ten years.

Gotta admit it is just as CLAMP looking as it ever was though. The eyes are HUGE and pointy and funny colors. The faces are all sharp chins and tiny mouths and wide cheeks. The outfits have a lot of tall boots and short skirts and long capes and funny head gear.

This just isn't what I'm into anymore. Not that I was into this enough to watch the series (or the sequel series) all the way through the last time. Even with the magical mechas introduced later on, it just didn't do it for me. I'm a one magical-girl anime loving type of gal I guess, and Sailor Moon cemented that place in my heart a long time ago. 

By the way though, the original manga style artwork for this series is GORGEOUS. I'm all over that shit.

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