...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

1/365: Vampire Princess Miyu

I'm fairly certain I've seen part of this series before. I know I've seen all of the OAV episodes. It looks very familiar and I remembered the Big Bad of the first ep. I'm cool with seeing it again though.

Miyu is one of those great older series (late 90s or so) that is dark and violent with some nice graphic bloodshed and a hint or two of nudity. It has a dark concept and doesn't shy away from that fact with glossy animation styles or cutesy characters (though there is a somewhat disturbing bunny creature with one very creepy eye thing going on).

It also has that old hand-drawn feel which I kind of miss. Sure the movements are slow or choppy or obviously two-dimensional, but the story still manages to be engrossing and strange and fun to watch.

The story basically revolves around a half human/half vampire 'guardian' who travels the world keeping demon-types (called shinma in this series) from doing too many horrible things. She isn't exactly a warrior of light and love, however. She has a tendency to let shinma kill people off before she stops them, and she isn't above encouraging douche-y teenagers to throw themselves off buildings if they piss her off. Fun to see a little 'anti' in the series' heroine from time to time.

Though I know I saw this series first and it should be the other way around, I find it reminds me quite a bit of Hell Girl. Similar concepts: jilted/angry/horrible people seek revenge on those that have done them wrong and call on demonic forces to help them out (or something to that effect) until a dark-haired ultra-powerful teenage girl comes along and cleans up the mess - for a price.

Perhaps as the series goes on they won't seem to similar, but I don't really mind at this point as I liked Hell Girl and I like Miyu so it all works for me.

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