...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Sunday, January 19, 2014

19/365: Attack on Titan

This show sure doesn't pull any punches. It starts with a giant skinless man crushing a wall protecting a human city from - what I could only assume would be more giant skinless people - and kinda built on the graphic violence from there.

It's the future but a fantasy-style future as opposed to a science fiction style future. People all live in a city surrounded by a mega wall because giant naked men are trying to eat them all. Honestly it sounds like a pretty crap future. Especially when the wall is breached by the giant skinless dude and slightly smaller skin-wearing dudes with creepy ass smiles who start eating people.

Seriously. They just pick up humans like French fries and pop them in their mouths while rampaging. Blood flies everywhere and those creepy ass smiles just get wider.

It's pretty brutal actually. The main characters are kids in the first episode and it's their mom getting scarfed like a piece of fried chicken. They were screaming and I was cringing and their mom was a Lunchable and it was not okay.

I can't see things ending terribly well in this show. Not with such a serious and intense start to it. But I got to hand it to the series creators for coming up with something unique and interesting to watch. The giant killer dudes really are super scary with the wide smiles and wonky eyes and mammoth naked bodies. And the fact they are just wandering around eating people certainly adds to their horror factor.

I'll be watching more of Attack on Titan, though I doubt I'll marathon it like some recent series I got into. I have a feeling nightmares would be soon to follow if I had to look at those creepy ass smiles too much in one day.

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