...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Friday, January 24, 2014

24/365: Inari Konkon

This is the first really new anime I've ever gotten to watch. So new in fact that only one episode has been released so far in the US. I've watched series that were released slowly in this country, a few episodes at a time on VHS or DVD, but they weren't really new. Just new HERE.

It's kind of cool. I like this modern age quite a bit sometimes.

Anyhoo, this show was very cute and I wasn't sure I'd like it cause of all the cute stuff and the middle school characters and they adorable scream-y business. But in the end I liked it quite a bit actually. The funny stuff was really funny, the anime in-jokes were awesome (the main character's "spell" to activate her powers was based right off Sailor Moon on purpose and I laughed out loud), and the story really wasn't too bad.

Basically it revolved around a young girl who makes a silly wish in order to win the heart of a young boy. When that wish can't be taken back, she is given some god powers to make up for it. I'll have to assume hilarious situations will arise from that later on. As there is only one episode of the show right now, I can't know much else.

Even the Wikipedia entry had summaries for only the first and second episodes. I can't even cheat and read ahead to see what happens next.

Kind of a new feeling experiencing a show an episode at a time without an opportunity to spoiler it for myself. I'm pretty amused by the whole thing.

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