...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Monday, January 27, 2014

25/365: Samurai Champloo

I'm a couple days behind. I know it and it sucks but it can't be taken back now so I'm moving on.

How adult and emotionally mature of me.

Samurai Champloo is so badass. I am happy to see that even though it's been years since I watched it before it has retained all of its awesome.

Some shows really don't. We won't go into it now because I've gone into it before.

But yeah.

This show, however, is still badass. The music is still great. The story is still funny and deep and sometimes kind of dark. The characters are still hilarious assholes.

Yep, Samurai Champloo totally retains its awesome.

The story basically follows Muugen, Jin, and Fuu, three reluctant ... friends I guess? ... who are traveling together looking for a samurai that smells of sunflowers and having lots of wacky adventures along the way.

Sometimes even wacky tabacc-y adventures, but I digress.

Watching this series is entertaining and fun and sometimes educational. The animation style is an interesting mix of loose and sloppy alongside detailed and clean. Not my favorite but it really works with the story it's paired up with.

If I was going to recommend an anime to someone new to the party or someone who'd never seen anime before, this is probably one of the first shows I'd name. It has a little something for everyone, and really is just so dang badass it would be hard for anyone to resist. 

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