...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Sunday, January 12, 2014

12/365: Kamisama Kiss

The way characters kiss in anime always makes me giggle. It looks like two dolls slotting together. I wonder if that is why so many anime leave it out. It will be implied that the characters were making out, but not usually shown.

Anyway, so I picked this pretty randomly from the selection on Huluplus. I liked the idea of a fox yokai with white hair and ears cause it reminded me of Inuyasha. And while there is the whole human girl with special powers falls for animal demon thing going on here, Kamisama Kiss isn't so much like Inuyasha that I couldn't appreciate it for itself.

The story basically centers around a girl who loses her home and ends up becoming a Land God at a local shrine instead. She starts gathering familiars and other demon allies around herself from pretty much the get-go, as she has a sweet nature and giving heart and a tendency to get herself into situations where someone ends up needing saving.

The romance aspect of the show is mentioned in pretty much the first few minutes of the series so I knew it was coming, but it still seemed to take a while. I find that kind of annoying, but as this series was only 13 episodes long it wasn't too annoying. Just, you know, kind of annoying.

The manga for this series has been running for almost ten years so I'm actually kind of glad they made the series so short. There's nothing like watching a show that is trying to keep up with an ongoing manga and having a hard time doing so (I'm looking at you again Bleach).

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