...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

14/365: Knight Hunters Eternity

This show is so campy.

A long time ago I bought the first Knight Hunters series when it went on sale at an online anime store. I just really wanted anime - any anime - and it was an entire series for cheap.

I was not impressed. I don't even remember if I finished it or not. The characters weren't horrible but their outfits were silly and a lot of the dubbed dialogue was silly and several of the story lines were silly. I just really couldn't get into it.

I thought maybe after all this time, and two previous series, I might finally be able to get into Knight Hunters.

Nope. Not happening.

I'm not sure exactly why either. I suppose it could be the overly dramatic premise of hunting bad guys at a rather creepy high school. Or it could be the way none of the voices in the dub match the look of the characters they are matched with. Or maybe it's the ridiculous distorted voice that gives the main characters their mission orders that throws me off (it is really silly folks).

I just don't know. I'm watching and I'm trying to get into the story and I keep losing interest or giggling when it strikes me as ridiculous. Looks like me and Knight Hunters are just never going to be friends.

Oh well.

In case you care, the story centers around a group of detective/assassins/something or other who infiltrate a creepy ass high school where students keep offing themselves and teenagers have the authority over most of the adults. Nefarious things are obviously afoot here and hopefully they figure it all out before the body count gets too terribly high.

I'm sure there is more to it, but I'm not watching past the first episode. At least not today. Maybe I'll try again in the future and see what happens.

Perhaps third time is the charm on this one? We'll see.

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