...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Friday, January 17, 2014

17/365: Broken Blade

I started out laughing at this show. If you heard the opening narrative, you'd be laughing too. All this goofy business about quartz and 'magic' and people riding Segways that are called cars.

It was kind of silly.

Then there was some battling between giant clunky robot warriors and that was kind of cool. Of course the characters called them golems for some reason instead of mechs, but I was willing to go along with it cause giant robots are neat-o no matter what name they go by.

The show got better from there. The story still had some silly moments (the main character is known as an 'un-sorcerer' cause he can't use magic - seriously 'un-sorcerer'?) but there was some good action and drama mixed in with it. The story centers around two kingdoms at war with each other and the group of friends from opposing sides that are caught up in the middle of it.

Of course there is more to it than that, but that is why you watch a show instead of just reading about it.

Anyway, the episodes for Broken Blade are all about an hour long and are called films most places, but as they don't have actual endings for each part I ended up watching them just like a regular series. The animation is pretty good, though there are some very obvious CG bits that threw me off. And I wasn't impressed with all of the dubbed voices (the main character especially didn't seem to have a voice that I could take seriously).

But overall, though I started out giggling at the silly bits, I ended up liking Broken Blade quite a bit. Kind of fun when it works out that way.

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