...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

21/365: Rurouni Kenshin

Watching Kenshin brings back so many memories for me. This was an anime that I shared with my friends way back in the day. It was one we'd pile around someone's computer to watch while talking and snacking and being young.

This show could probably be total crap and I'd still love it because it meant so much to me back in the day. The terribly annoying theme song, the never-ending fight scenes, the old school hand drawn animation.

It's all wonderful. I love it. Even now, 15 or so years later, I still love it. It still brings back so many great memories for me and yet stands up as a good anime as well. It's long and there is an over-abundance of fight scenes, and I don't get all of the historical references, but it it still a good anime.

Kenshin is basically about a warrior who was once the most feared killer in the country but gave all of that up and became a wanderer. He ends up wandering into a dojo one day and making friends with the lovely girl who lives there along with a rag-tag bunch of characters that teach him how to be a good person no matter what kind of past he is coming from.

I forgot how fun it is to watch Kenshin go from pretty boy with big purple eyes to serious warrior with thin purple eyes to scary killer with slitted golden eyes. You can tell the second the switch flips from cute Kenshin to badass Kenshin and you know when it happens the next scenes are gonna be exciting.

It amuses me. It amused me once upon a time and it amuses me now when I'm older and crankier and not as amused by things teenage me was amused by. I like that in a series.

I also like that the series takes a lot of time to be warm and humorous and fun. I saw the OAVs a lot later on and, while they are beautiful, they are also so freaking sad. I was just depressed as all get out when they ended.

I think I prefer a Kenshin that can make me laugh to one that makes me want to cry.

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