...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Saturday, January 4, 2014

4/365: Kaze no Stigma

This has to be one of my fave anime of the past five years or so.

I can't seem to stop watching episodes even though I really only intended to play one today. And at first I thought this might be just another one of those brightly colored, computer animated shows that kind of get on my nerves.

But even though it IS brightly colored and computer animated, it is also hilarious and fun to watch and has a pretty well constructed story.

I get a big kick out of the main character. He's a smartass and kind of a dick and takes crap from nobody yet he still winds up doing the right thing over and over again. Of course he has the love hate thing going on with the main female lead, and while she's high-strung and screams a lot and seems to lose fights just so the animators can tear off her clothes, I find her less annoying than usual. Cause deep down she's not so bad. She questions her abilities and her strengths but she also does what's right when it comes down to it.

It's also fun to see a world where magic is not only out in the open but fully accepted as part of society. No super secret magical heroes popping up and doing silly costume changes here! (Though honestly I love the silly costume changes in Sailor Moon and wouldn't have that show any other way.)

There are serious moments here, and lots of violent fights and explosions, and then some very silly moments as well. It's all blended together so that one moment you're laughing and the next you're wondering if the characters will make it through the next big fight (though I'm betting they always do in this particular series).

The story is basically about a wind magic user who comes back to Japan after four years away after his family of fire magic users banished him for being weak and a failure. He's certainly not a failure now when he continually kicks everyone's butts in magical battles. He argues a bunch with his family, he flirts and frustrates his female counterpart, and he fights a successively stronger bunch of monsters. I'm sure he'll also learn some important things along the way, but I haven't gotten that far yet.

The night is young though, I'm sure I'll get there sometime soon.

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