...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

8/365: Inuyasha-The Final Act

Let me explain what I did here.

I've watched a lot of Inuyasha before now. A LOT.

I was a faithful viewer when the series started up on Cartoon Network and tuned in every night it was on to see the continuing adventures of a reincarnated priestess and her half-demon boyfriend.

Originally I started watching because it was created by the same person who created Ranma 1/2, which I loved.

Later I stayed because I really liked the story.

I stayed. And stayed. And stayed.

And then by about episode ... 50 or something, I got kind of worn out. It started to seem like the same old fights were happening over and over again and nothing was really getting accomplished.

I don't mind long series, but I kinda want them to have an end at some point (seriously Bleach, we need to talk).

So I moved away from Inuyasha and on to other things and didn't think much on it. I wondered sometimes if it had ever ended, or been left open like many long series seem to be.

And I wondered if the main characters had ever finally gotten their shit together, realized they were in love, and hooked up.

Call me a romantic at heart, but that was what it boiled down to for me. I can only take so many shows with clueless leads refusing to see the happy-ever-after right in front of their face.

Then tonight I was searching through Huluplus for an anime to watch and lo-and-behold Inuyasha-The Final Act popped up. The summary said it was the final fight in the story and so I was curious again.

Did that mean this long ass series actually had something of a conclusion? Did they manage to kill the bad guy finally?

And more importantly: did the main characters finally hook up?

Yep, I was in it just to see if they finally got over themselves and realized they were meant to be. So I watched just the very last episode of the last story of this anime.

I'm an adult. I do what I want.

I have to say I was very pleased with the ending. I even got a bit emotional (I can't help it sometimes, I'm a big girl like that). There was lots of exposition but hey, it's anime, it wouldn't really be the same without it.

I'm even feeling inspired now to watch some more Inuyasha.

But not the whole series. My attention span just doesn't have it in it for that kind of commitment anymore.

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