...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Thursday, January 23, 2014

23/365: Durarara

I'm not sure I paid as close enough attention to this show as I should have. To be honest it's been a long week and I had some drinks with dinner and now I'm not focusing as well as I want to. So I'll have to try this again at a later date when my attention span is longer than a couple of minutes.

I will try this again, I know that at least. The animation style reminds me of that seen in Eureka 7 but the story seems to be its own thing. I couldn't follow all of the stuff about areas of Tokyo, but I could follow the stuff about sushi and yakuza and urban legends. There are obviously a lot of layers here and I have a feeling even completely sober I would have missed some of them.

But like I said, I'll come back to this show and see if I can get into it more with a second viewing. What I gathered this time is that basically there are some kids living in a district of Tokyo and that brings them into contact with a cast of colorful characters including an American/Russian/sushi chef that looks about eight feet tall, a strong man who likes to throw heavy appliances, and a mysterious lady on a motorcycle whose head has been replaced by black smoke and a yellow cat-eared helmet.

Speaking of the mystery headless lady, she is one of the most popular cosplay costumes I've seen at Sakuracon in the six years I've been going. I think it might be the skintight black bodysuit and the cat-eared helmet that make it so popular. I could be wrong but I'm probably not.

Anyway, this show seems cool and I'm looking forward to giving it another shot. Just not tonight when all I can really think of at this point is sleep.

Ahhh, sleep. It's about time we spent some quality time together.

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