...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

26/365: Fairy Tail

This show wasn't at all what I expected from the opening. Which is a good thing, cause I really didn't expect to like it. There was this narrator doing his thing about wizards and lands far far away and it seemed kind of Disney-ish and hokey to me.

But once the story really started and I started laughing, I got over my first impression. Go me! I'm like mature and shit.

So the story basically revolves around this blonde wizard girl (with Ayano's voice from Kaze no Stigma which made me immediately like her) who wants to join the Fairy Tail wizard guild cause they're like, the coolest guild ever! (Or so Sorcerer Monthly Magazine would have us all believe.) She randomly runs into a wizard from the guild, helps him out, gets saved by him in turn, and then tags along with him when he returns to the guild. The zany adventures go from there.

And what zany adventures they be. The big thing about the Fairy Tail guild is just how destructive they are when working wizarding jobs. They destroy enemies, ships, harbors, mountains, towns, and their own guild hall on a regular basis.

It's hilarious. Just the intro to the other wizards in the guild hall was pretty funny. It shouldn't have been because of the way it was set up, but this show is just so good-natured in its camp and silliness that it comes off pretty well.

Sure there are some moments where things get all serious and backstory-ish. That part was a little cloying, but it didn't last too long before things were all destructive and fun again. I'd watched my way through several episodes before even realizing that it happened. If that isn't the sign of a worth-watching show I don't know what is.

PLUS the dude who did Kazuma's voice in Kaze no Stigma pops up in Fairy Tail as well. I quite like that voice (mhmmm) and am happy to hear it whenever I can (girl moment, can't be helped).

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