...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

27:365: Chrome Shelled Regios

Oh fer cryin' out loud! The Big Bads in this series have a really stupid name. Contaminoids? Really? That's the best you could come up with? They do look horrible and they make some icky sounds and they do a regeneration thing that is creepy, but it is just so hard to take something seriously when the name makes me want to laugh every time someone says it.

But hey, that sexy voice from Kaze no Stigma popped up in this show so it gets points for that. Probably not enough to help it out after the stupid name for the Big Bads. But at least a little bit.

Holy crap, the hair in this series is ridiculous! It goes above and beyond normal silly anime hair and reaches epic new heights (sometimes literally) of absurdity. Seriously? Who comes up with this stuff?

So stupid name for the main enemy, ridiculous looking character designs, and one or two sexy voices. I'm not sure this particular anime is gonna be able to do it for me. I want to look past the silly business in the beginning but it is definitely a struggle.

Which is kind of sad really cause usually I love the post-apocalyptic stuff. All those nasty wastelands full of deadly creatures and tribes of leftover humans trying to figure out how to scrape by from day to day without becoming monster chow. Or having to submit to bigger, stronger humans bent on world domination.

And really I don't mind the fight scenes in this series, or most of the serious talking scenes, but the show devolves into overly dramatic silliness on a regular basis and that just annoys me. Too much screaming and talking fast and blushing and fainting in clouds of smiling steam.


Anyways this show seems to be about a kid with super fighting skills who enrolls in this school/city where they are all about the super fighting skills. Even though he doesn't want to fight anymore he gets sucked into that world of Big Bads and evil humans and super fighting nonsense.

I don't know. I got more sucked in as the first episode went on, and I am mildly curious to see what happens next. But I can't guarantee I'll watch the entire series. The cons still outweigh the pros for me at this point.

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