...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Thursday, January 9, 2014

9/365: Blood-C

I get a kick out of CLAMP stuff. All those big eyes and pointy faces and lanky bodies. And how characters find some way, any way, to move between series and appear in each others' worlds. It amuses me.

But I didn't realize that Blood-C, the newest incarnation of the universe started with Blood: The Last Vampire, was a CLAMP product until I went looking for more information about it after I started watching. I guess it just doesn't look as much like CLAMP to me as oldies such as Magic Knight Rayearth and X:1999 did.

Really I picked this to watch because I loved Blood: The Last Vampire and liked Blood+ okay so was curious to see what direction the story was going in now. And it isn't bad. It's different but kind of the same (main character is still named Saya, she still has a kickass sword, and she still fights monsters in her spare time) and when it gets bloody it gets really bloody and when it gets cute it gets kind of annoying.

Seriously, Saya has a cute little voice and she apologizes all the time and makes big eyes at everyone and doesn't see the romance blooming right in front of her pointy little nose. Kind of annoying.

But as the story progresses and the Big Bads come out to play and the story turns in on itself in kind of a sad, frustrating, nasty way, she stops being so annoying. I just ended up feeling really sorry for her. I kind of sussed out at least one of the Big Bads before his reveal and I started feeling sorry for Saya right at that moment. It was obvious things were not going to end well.

Poor girl. Poor girl with a wicked cool sword and ultra-goth school uniform (looks like something you could buy at Hot Topic actually, all red and black and sporting chains) who kicks demon ass.

The series for Blood-C ends on a cliffhanger, because anime creators want us to be miserable, but apparently a movie also exists that ties up the loose ends. I'm having a little trouble finding it, but I'd like to see it at some point if I can ever hunt it down. Could be cool.

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