...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

22/365: Guin Saga

So if you took Hercules and stuck a leopard head on him and gave him amnesia and hooked him up with a pair of twin heirs, you'd kind of basically have Guin Saga.

I'm sure there is more to the story than that, but I don't know how far into it I'll get cause while the anime is 26 episodes, the novel series it is based on is 130 novels PLUS 21 side-story novels.

Let me give you a second to really think about those numbers. 130 and 21. All written between 1979 and now. 151 books in 35 years. Over four books a year on average.

That is a mind-boggling amount of books to write in that period of time. Some authors take decades to write one book. The author of these was cranking them out like it was nothing.

And there is no way a 26 episode anime series will encompass all of the story that took 151 novels to tell. No way.

Even if they managed to come up with their own ending for the Guin Saga anime, it wouldn't have anything to do with the actual ending (if the series even has one, I was a little confused on that when reading up on it). Would it even fit with the story if it was just tacked on to complete the series?

That just doesn't work for me. I'm not fond of long-ass series with no real ending (once again looking at you Bleach) but I'm also not fond of ones with rushed or forced endings that don't seem to really fit with the show.

There is certainly stuff to like with this series. The animation is pretty slick and the fantasy world the characters live in sounds pretty complex and interesting.

But can I get emotionally invested in something that won't really end? I'll have to give it some more thought before I decide if I want to proceed.

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