...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Monday, January 6, 2014

6/365: Qwaser of Stigmata

I am not really sure what I just watched.

There were boobs and dead chicks and more boobs and fan service and some kind of bizarre confusing storyline and more boobs and a super hero who got power from boobs or something.

I'm fairly certain the convoluted plot hinted at in the first episode is just a VERY thinly veiled excuse to show boobs.

Seriously, there are a lot of boobs in this series. Naked boobs, bouncy boobs, squishy boobs, you name it they're here somewhere.

I think I picked this because it looked kind of dark and the name reminded me of Kaze no Stigma (yep, I'm still lamenting the end of that show) but this was nothing like what I expected. It opened with boobs and rolled right on from there.

Sure it has it's dark moments. The first episode does feature a serial killer slicing up teenage girls. But that is kind of overshadowed by the boobs. And the panties. And the fact that the main super hero sucks on boobs to get powered up.

Seriously folks, this is a thing in this show. A nun (I think it was a nun of some type?) rips off her top and offers this kid her chest and he latches on in the middle of a fight with a psycho killer like that is totally normal.

I guess in the world of anime that might be normal.

But maybe not so much for me. I'm not a prude but I kind of like my anime to have a good plot that catches my attention and holds it, no matter what naked business is going on around it. This didn't really do it for me. I probably won't be catching the rest of it anytime soon.

I'll probably have nightmares featuring giant, bouncy, animated boobs for a while though.

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