...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

#14: Heroic Age

Is Funimation the only anime production company left in the world?

Nothing against them really, but they are the only name I'm seeing on the anime I've been watching lately.

Whatever happened to Manga, or AnimeEgo, or AnimeWorks?

I'm not crazy, I know those production companies existed at one point. I've got a bunch of Manga videos on my shelves.

So where did all those other companies go? Did Funimation eat them? That wasn't very nice if they did.

Oh well, so yeah, this show had animation in it and stuff. There was a glowing princess floating around and a guy with silly hair fighting desert squid and epic narrating giving some backstory. The silly hair kid talked to a computer and thanked trees and an old fella growled alot and there was some mobile suits cause there was spaceships and for some reason in anime those are usually synonymous. There was also something that looked alot like an Eva, though of course it couldn't be an Eva because this is the wrong show. But it certainly LOOKED and even sounded like an Eva.

Basically, this didn't seem like anything new and exciting and different and it didn't exactly hold my interest, but it wasn't bad. Just kinda .... boring. A mish-mash of stuff I'd seen before done slightly (or more then slightly) better.

And there was alot of CGI stuff that I found unappealing. I miss hand drawn animation. I really do.

Sometimes CGI is woven rather seamlessly with the more traditional looking animation, but not always. And this was a show where it didn't flow together so well. And it bothered me.

But maybe it gets better. May as well try another episode or two to see.

Its probably a good idea to get along with Funimation and its anime, since they look like they are taking over the world and everything.

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