...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Oh Crap

I did it again. I put off watching something until the middle of the night and then I fell asleep without thinking about it again.

So I'm behind.

I'm always behind. Story of my life.

I think it might be best to change the Ultimate and Most Important Goal of my Anime 365 mission. Instead of watching anime every day for a year, I'll spend a year trying to watch anime every day, ultimately make sure I see 365 new things, and talk about anime as often as possible.

So its still a year of anime, just not ... what I originally planned.

Now without all of the pressure (THE PRESSURE!!!) I should have no problems.


Right. Yay!

Somehow, I get the feeling I may have just totally jinxed myself.


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