...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Monday, April 11, 2011

#16: Basilisk

I liked the manga better.

The anime was drawn okay but the voices were annoying and the story was different.

This is one of my fave manga ever so I was disappointed that the anime had been changed. It wasn't necessary. The story was already deep and complex and dark and intense and beautiful and sad.

It didn't need anything added to it or tweaked. It was already one of the best re-imaginings of the "Romeo and Juliet" story I've ever read. It had all the familiar elements - a boy and girl in love though they come from dueling families, a world torn apart by the bloody brutality the dueling families cause. Then it had added in the whole rival ninja clans fighting for the future of their country element. So there was nothing really that needed to be changed.

But I guess that is what happens when manga become anime, or anime become manga. Things change.

I do have to say that, in its favor, Basilisk had the grossest "death" faces of any show I've watched. And considering how many people die in this show, it was a point brought home again and again. Every time someone was strangled or stabbed or beaten they would make these really horrible, distorted, ugly faces.

Violent deaths shouldn't be pretty, but good grief. This show takes them to a whole new level of disturbing.

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