...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#1: Hetalia-Axis Powers

This series....is not what I expected.

Last year while attending Sakuracon I was introduced to "Hetalia." It was hard not to be, when it seemed to be the most popular costuming choice among cosplayers. After running into the sixth or seventh Germany character, I had a friend explain the basic idea behind the series and determined that at some point I would see it.

Then I didn't get around to it and didn't get around to it.

But today I found it on Netflix and decided that must be a sign that it is finally time to watch it.

And it has turned to not be what I expected. The episodes are only about five minutes long each, the colors are ultra bright and cheery, the characters are super cutesy, and the story is really silly. I think I might have learned something about history, but I'm not entirely sure because it was really, really silly.

Germany is friends with a stick, Italy is obsessed with pasta, and Japan wants to win WWII with the use of a giant robot (yep, a giant robot, of course, cause its Japan).

I like funny anime, really I do. But this might be a little much for me. It is just so bright and so cute and so ridiculous.

Then again, the episodes are only five minutes. I've seen four at this point, I suppose a few more won't hurt. I may cute overload though.

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