...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#10: Corpse Princess

(I actually watched this last night but got into a marathon game of Tetris right after so never got around to blogging it. Damn you, Tetris, with your evil, addictive ways! I wish I could quit you!)

It never ceases to amaze me that some anime series can have such dark concepts, and such icky scenes, and then also have characters who act completely silly.

It seems like that shouldn't work. The dark stuff and the silly stuff should cancel each other out.

But they don't. Take Corpse Princess for example. Here you have dead people/demon things known as shikabane running around killing people, and a dead person/demon thing girly girl in a sailor suit running around killing them. And at the same time you have a boy with silly hair arguing with a monk about nekked girl magazines.

Two very different plot elements, thrown together and shaken up.

They should slide against each other like oil and water.

Instead they melt into a large glob of intense bizarreness that actually works.

This show is GOOD. Surprisingly so. The dubbing on the Funimation version isn't always great (a running problem with Funimation releases, I've noticed) but the story is solid and the characters are fascinating.

Just one episode in and I'm already hooked.

I shouldn't be, but I am.


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