...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

#6: Strike Witches

If I was fighting against evil alien attackers, I would want to wear pants.

Call me crazy, that is just how I feel.

If someone is going to be shooting laser canons at me, I want to be wearing as much protective covering as possible. And that includes pants. Maybe even jeans, or khakis, though leggings would be a last resort.

But definitely some kind of leg coverings.

So I obviously couldn't be a member of the 501st Strike Witches unit, because while they do wear flying canon rocket boot things, they don't wear pants. It is just all panties, all the time. Except when they are wearing bikini bottoms, which are basically underpants.

Maybe they should have called this Fan Service Witches, or Strike Panties, or the Magical Cat-Girl Panty Brigade. Cause its alot of panties, and for some reason whenever the characters use their witch powers, they all sprout cat ears and little tails. I'm sure that strikes fear into the hearts of the bad guys when the Panty Brigade attacks, panties on display and cat tails swishing.



Good grief.

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