...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

AnimeMia's One Year Mission

The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year.

The follow-through is not so simple. I have tried this challenge before and only lasted about 30 days before I got behind. Then I tried to make it up by watching multiple anime a day and that became even more of a problem.

But I'm determined to try again. I love anime, I have access to tons of it through Netflix, the Internet, and the movie store. I have time and determination and I love to sit on my couch all day watching TV. This should, theoretically, be a breeze.

How can I call myself an anime fan if I can't manage such a simple (in theory) task? And I do call myself an anime fan. Since the dark ages when I had to scour hidden import stores in the shady corners of the city to find $30, poorly dubbed, VHS copies of "Ghost in the Shell" and "Akira," to the not-so-dark ages when I would record poorly dubbed episodes of "Sailor Moon" off early morning cable, to the not-even-close-to-dark ages when I could walk into any video store in town and find multiple shelves of anime on DVD, I have been a fan.

I love the artwork, the storylines, the long series and the sort films and the out of sync OAVs.

But I have gotten behind in the times. I don't even recognize most of the latest anime that have been released. The series that I fell in love with so long ago aren't even around anymore. It is time to get back into the fold and see what there is to see in this new and exciting world of anime where everything is accessible and where new stories are being told every day.

So here I go, ready and willing to be an ultimate fangirl fan once again. Ready or not, Anime, here I come!

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