...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

#9: Popotan

Remember when I said Hetalia wasn't at all like I expected?

Well I didn't have the same experience with Popotan. It was, in fact, exactly what I expected.

It was crazy girls with big boobs and puffy-thing obsessions. It was sudden nudity and embarrassed boys with bright red cheeks. It was robots in maid outfits and cute ambiguous animal companions. It was brightly colored and cutely voiced and hyperactive and adorable.

It also had random moments of seriousness that were unexpected and more profound than they might have been otherwise, but still wrapped up in a candy colored package of sweetness and popotan (dandelions).

I'm not sure I understood what the point was, or saw any direction in the story line, but I'm not sure it matters.

There were rainbows, and sparkly things, and flower petals, and Xmas trees, and giant breasts, and a DDR style theme song, and puffy cheeks, and a girl in love with a cow udder and myriad other things to distract me from the lack of a real plot.

And sometimes that is all you really need in an anime.

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