...The plan is simple: I will watch a different anime every day for one year....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

#8: Venture Brothers

Venture Brothers Season 4 was released onto DVD in two volumes.

Volume 1 was released months and months ago. We bought it, watched it, loved it, watched some episodes again, and watched Seasons 1-3 in our Venture Brothers fervor.

Then we waited. And waited. And waited for Volume 2 to come out.

My boyfriend handled the waiting better than I did. He has patience when it comes to these kinds of things.

I really don't. But I managed to survive until Volume 2 release day with my sanity basically in tact.

And then I went out in all my Venture Brothers buying excitement to finally own those last episodes of Season 4 and I couldn't find it.


I went to Fred Meyer and no luck. I tried Best Buy and came up empty handed. I scoured the shelves at Borders and found nothing.

This was about the point in the day when I started to go a little crazy. I had waited months - MONTHS - for this DVD to come out and now it couldn't be found. I wanted it, NEEDED IT, and it was a no show.

That was unacceptable. I was going to find it and watch it and love it DAMMIT and no lack of purchasing apptitude by retail outlets was going to deny me that.

So at midnight I made my way into Wal-Mart and marched to the DVD section and demanded of the first employee that I saw to locate my cartoon for me. And he found it!


It was mine! Mine! MINE!!!

Finally finally I was able to take home those last awesome episodes of Season 4 and the boyfriend and I watched them all back-to-back in one sitting. We were amused, we were shocked, we were amazed. It was awesome.

And then it was over. All of that waiting. All of that searching and hunting and failing and finally finding. And it was over.

It was worth the headache and heartache. Totally worth it.

But still .... my life feels kind of empty now.

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